Somatics with Kathy Kerber Dec. 12
The Certified Hanna Somatic Educator with Holland Somatics talked about her distinctive service addressing muscle pain. Katherine Kerber, a Certified Hanna Somatic Educator with Holland Somatics , talked about her distinctive service addressing muscle pain during a Dec. 12, 2019 appearance.
Holland business offers alternative physical therapy
Katherine Kerber left Silicon Valley job to become certified practitioner in somatics. Katherine Kerber was suffering from debilitating back pain for more than two decades with no recovery success. The pain came from scoliosis that would cause flareups every six months or so that put her out of commission for four days. Exhausting all other […]
Holland Somatics
Holland’s Muscle Detective conquers chronic pain from within. We welcome a conversation with the CEO of Holland Somatics, Katherine Kerber. She joins us to discuss this only certified Somatic practice to offer treatment in the Great Lakes region. See original article here.